Version v1.7.14059
Released on 2024-11-25
- Python 3.11.10 is now the official Python version.
- Resolved deprecation warnings.
- Introduced SyMSpace Assistant for ChatGPT.
- Added the SyMPython Kernel to support advanced computation.
- Jupyter Notebook integration is now supported.
- Introduced utility functions for working with 3D models using VTK, TriMesh, CadQuery, and NGSolve Mesh.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues with umlauts in LaTeX documentation files.
- Resolved crashes caused by cbor2.
- Introduced separate SharedModules for compatibility with Python 3.6 and 3.11.
- Expanded functionality to improve usability.
- Introduced a ‘warning’ flag for better diagnostics.
- Implemented file upload and download.
- Added SVG preview functionality.
- Introduced .obj 3D model preview support.
- Improved the surrogate model.
- Resolved a bug in rotated boundary conditions.
- Added descriptions for the WebGUI.
- Included instructions for using SyMSpace Assistant in ChatGPT.
- Updated Javadoc.
- Fixed a stress simulation issue where oversized domains lacked stored domain numbers.
Thermal Simulation
- Addressed an issue where import assignments were lost during refreshDependency.
- Removed automatic setting of thermal boundary conditions.
- Fixed bug related to undefined jobs.
- Improved handling of job dependencies.
- Resolved detection issues with HTCondor.
- Corrected version checks for the remotecompute decorator.
Package Upgrades
- Java:
- Set minimal supported Java version to 11.
- Upgraded JCEF/CE to 1.0.61/127.3.1.
- Python:
- Upgraded numpy to version 1.26.
Version v1.6.13052
Released on 2024-03-01
- File encoding converted to UTF-8.
- Placing an additional config.local under the user home directory is supported.
- Improved project regeneration speed.
- Closes Matlab when project is closed.
- Added function ‘linspace’ to Java-formula.
- Improved accuracy of periodic signals.
- Bugfix for encoding of LTSpice-results.
User interface
- Uncertain previews are marked as such.
- Previews are now supported.
- Conversion of parameters now possible.
- Parameters can be modified in the component view.
- Added Workflow-Components with settings.
- Replaced HTCondor python-binding with commandline interface for HTCondor Version 8.8.
- Extended scripting for Optimizer control.
- All files of a project are used in the optimization (not only component files).
- Removed non-working option ‘GenerateSpecificPreview’.
Mechanic Simulation
- Added units to HOTINT plots.
- Reworked handling of ‘oversize’-boundary conditions.
Thermal Simulation
- Reworked handling of boundary conditions.
- Fixed rotation of wires for geometries without symmetry.
- Fixed rotation of rectangular wires.
- Added installation instructions for OpenModelica.
- The following java packages were updated:
- Integrated WebBrowser (JCEF) upgraded to 119.4.3.
- Jyz3d library upgraded to 2.2.1.
- HTCondor interface supported up to Version 8.8.17.
Version v1.5.10925
Released on 2023-04-28
User interface
- Remove Check from toolbar.
- Existing projects cannot be overwritten.
Electro-magnetic Simulation (FEMM)
- Error in simulation model with subparts was fixed.
Electro-magnetic Simulation (Femag)
- Bug in the iron loss simulation was fixed.
Thermal Simulation
- Error in thermal model if subparts are included was fixed.
- Fixed problem if thermal capacity for material pins with loss values was missing.
Mechanic Simulation
- If material ‘Air’ is assigned to a material pin (or a material without Young modulus) the domain will not be meshed.
- ‘export_model_description’ was updated.
- New macro ‘purge_dxf_geometry’ was added.
- When executing a macro the update of a selected parameter was ensured.
- Added WebGUI section to the SyMSpace help.
- LTSPice installation instruction were included.
- The documentation for the Optimizer was extended.
- Parallel installation of multiple SyMSpace Versions is supported.
- Update of the HOTINT version to 1.3.139.
- The following python packages were updated:
- femagtools was downgraded to version 0.8.4.
- Packages dash and ezdxf were added.
- astroid, pylint and spyder were removed.
- Version of matplotlib was updated to 3.2.2.
Version v1.4.10663
Released on 2022-11-03
- Enabled ‘RunSimulation’ and ‘RemoteCompute’ option by default.
- Bug where the 3d SyMSpace preview fully occupies the CPU was fixed.
- Update of the installation-guide.
- SyMSpace versions can now be installed in parallel. It is possible have versions with different version number or flavor (i.e. stable or nightly).
- New Jep version based on Java 8.
- Python distribution now includes the vtk-package.
- Pre-insert routines implemented in order to automatize component links.
Version v1.3.10502
Released on 2022-06-24
- Error if python package Pillow is not installed was fixed.
Version v1.3.10490
Released on 2022-05-30
- An interface to the new WebGUI was added to SyMSpace.
- Simulation results are now stored in files.
- Excel-export was updated by adding description and unit.
- Update of the web-plot interface by modifying data exchange and add selection.
- Bug-fix when restoring solver-state.
- Python jobs now only copy export files, which are used in the export mask.
- Improved job-handling to restore jobs after restart.
- Update status-bar for running jobs.
User interface
- Improved GUI-usability while gui is disabled during regeneration.
- Added JSON data format for data exchange.
- Implemented a macro to convert results file to a field.
- Update of the installation-guide.
- Extended the developer-guide.
- Included additional information about the optimizer to the SyMSpace help.
- Restricting architecture for SyMSpace installer to 64bit in order to avoid problems with 32bit registry paths.
- Changed Python Version from 3.6.5 to 3.6.8.
- Update of the HOTINT version to 1.3.139.
- Added freecad dxfImport libraries v1.39 for FreeCAD 0.16.
Version v1.2.10214
- Python packages, which are distributed as zip or egg files can be loaded
- Only zip and egg files in the Python functions directory are considered
- If multiple versions of the same package are detected only the latest is loaded
- File names have to meet a specific pattern e.g.:
- Python package to perform tolerance analysis has been added (experimental state)
- Reporting has been extended to further use latex distributions (e.g. Tex Live)
- The output of report compiling has been added to the console and error detection
- The behaviour of the PyTPeriodicMatrix “fromFit” method has been aligned with the TPeriodic/-Matrix implementation
- The Optimizer wrapper and optimizer scripts have been updated
- Excel file import/export
- Bokeh plotting of individuals
- Optimizer macros have been added
- Fill buffer with individuals from other optimizations
- Fill buffer with individuals from Excel files
- Fill buffer with custom defined individuals (via GUI Input-Window)
- Fill archive individuals from Excel files
- Custom export of archive and problem individuals from Excel files
- Custom comparison plots of archive and problem individuals
- The Python Job capabilities have been extended
- Additional files and directories (same as Python modules/packages) can be added to a Job
- All zip and egg files in the Job directory are automatically unpacked
- “preJob” and “postJob” methods can be defined
- Result file handling has been added
- Variation feature: create multiple jobs with different parameters
- Python Docker Jobs for local or cluster (Linux only) computation can be created
- Deadlocks when using new HTCondor versions, if Python was not recognized, have been resolved
- An interface to remote submit jobs on submit-server has been added
- The error handling for the interface to new HTCondor versions has been improved
User interface
- The 3D rotation of embedded matplotlib plots (Preview double-click feature) has been enabled
- “Run Macro” menu entry has been added to the Optimizer GUI (Requires config: OptimizerDebug=true)
- Macro to run tasks (update, reset, gen./del. DocFiles) on all project indices has been added
- The problem of closing the Optimizer, while saving is in progress, has been resolved
- The problems if Python is not recognized have been resolved
- Deadlocks during runtime have been resolved
- More Help-Tutorials have been added
- Distributable (Docker) Python functions
- Electromagnetic and mechanical simulation videos (via LCM channel on
- The installer comes bundled with a Python 3.6.5 environment (as a replacement for Anaconda/SyMConda36)
- Java Version 1.8 or higher
- (Optional) Matlab Version R2017b or higher
- (Optional) Python Version 3.6.5 with the Python Package Jep Version 3.6.3
Version v1.1.9906
- Java-version of config is used for all sub-processes
- Removed environment variable MagOpt_Home
- Changed documentation-tags to sym-style
- Added unit-conversion (optional)
- Expanded python-wrapper
- Speed improvement for Periodic
- Bug fixing
- Added and improved unit-tests
- Added python-wrapper for scripting
- Improved speed and threading
- Added new optimization macros
- Added debug-information for local jobs
- Using Java-version from SyMSpace
- Added unit-tests
User interface
- Independent instances (no Environment-variable) to use different versions at same time
- Integration of the waitbar and deactivate parts of gui while update (basic operations are available)
- Added smart insert to Component-browser (insert on best matching location)
- Added new macros (update/create a project from an excel template)
- Added helper class to display matplotlib graphs
- Update and extension
- Added tutorials
- Installation guide
- Java Version 1.8 or higher
Version v1.0.9319
Initial stable release